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Raymond Mauk Award

About the Raymond Mauk Leadership Award  

Recognizing Excellence and Dedication to the Texas Insurance Industry  

Since 1998, the Insurance Council of Texas has awarded the prestigious Raymond Mauk Leadership Award to an individual who has made a notable contribution to the Texas property and casualty insurance industry. As the representative for the Texas property and casualty industry, we believe it important to recognize the contributions of those who have helped to make our industry a vital piece of the economic engine that drives this great state.  

The award honors former Texas Fire Commissioner Raymond Mauk who dedicated his long and distinguished career to Texas’ property & casualty industry. Mr. Mauk held many positions of leadership within industry. Commissioner Mauk’s leadership and persistence helped lead to the establishment of the Texas Insurance Checking Office, which still serves our industry today. 

Past nominees and winners have included active or retired company employees, regulators, agents, elected officials and educators.  

Past Mauk Award Recipients

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